Baby Balance Bike Toys for 1 Year Old Girls Gifts & Space Wooden Activity Cube Toys for Baby - Wdmiya
【4 IN 1 ACTIVITY CUBE】Our rocket activity cube Includes bead maze, shape matching, abacus, and rotating gear. Compared with normal square shapes, unique rocket shape is more attractive and it takes babies' thoughts to the mysterious space. 【DEVELOPMENTAL TOY】This wonderful busy toy promotes toddlers' hand-eye coordination, fine motor, primary numeracy, shape matching, and sense ability development 【DESIGNED FOR 12-36 MONTHS BABIES】This balance bike is specially designed for 1-2 year old toddlers, which is perfectly matched to kids' body structure. 【PARENTAL COMPANIONSHIP ALWAYS IMPORTANT】Riding a balance bike, your child will not only improve your child's balance and leg muscles, but also make the parent-child relationship more intimate. 【135° SAFTY STEERING】Handlebar rotation is limited to 135° to avoid side falling caused by excessive turning amplitude. The special front wheel design allows the bike body to sway slightly from side to side when turning.