Beloman Kids'Balance Bike 2 Year Old, Toddler Bike for 2-5 Year Old Boys and Girls, Early Learning Interactive Push No Pedals Balance Bikes for Kids with Adjustable Handlebar and Seat-White - Beloman pro, BL-WH
Beloman pro BL-WH
Early Learning Toddler Bike - A Baby balance bike is great for 2-5 years to learn balance and coordination skills, they can easily control the balance bike and enjoy the movement, which helps babies gain confidence and reduce fears. Adjustable Design - The handlebar and seat of the kid's balance bike can be easily adjusted to the desired height. When you receive your balance bike, most of the parts are already installed, so you can quickly finish the installation! Durable Quiet Tires - Our toddler balance bike is made of 12-inch EVA thickened wheels, no need to inflate, and the non-slip surface enhances its firm grip for riding on a variety of surfaces, making it safer for children to ride. Quickly Learns to Ride - Our toddler balance bike is a great entry-level bike with 360-degree swivel handlebars for easy directional control and footrests under the seat, so kids can learn to lift and balance their feet as they glide along for fun and enjoyable outdoor activities! As a Gift for Kids - Kids Balance Bike is a perfect gift for a baby's birthday or Christmas, it develops a sense of balance and reflexes and is a fun companion on the way to growth. If you have any questions, please contact us, will reply within 24 hours, we offer 30 days no reason return service.