Copper Power 4 oz Marine Complete Treatment Bundle (3 Items) - Copper Power & Poly-Bio-Marine, 71848
Copper Power & Poly-Bio-Marine 71848
This Bundle combines THREE items: Copper Power 4 oz Marine. a Poly-Bio-Marine Poly Filter Pad, 4" X 8". and a 1.5 fluid oz/ 50 ml measuring cup. After treating with Copper Power, you will need to remove the Copper Power from your aquarium. You will do this once your fish have recovered from the infection with external parasites, ich, oodinium, and fungus To use the Poly Filter Pad just use all or a piece in your filter or in a place with sufficient water flow. The Poly Filter Pad will turn blue once it absorbs the copper. With the 1.5 fluid oz/ 50 ml measuring cup you can accurately measure your Copper Power. One fluid ounce treats 20 gallons of water. After treating with Copper Power, you will need to remove the Copper Power from your aquarium. You will do this once your fish have recovered from the infection with external parasites, ich, oodinium, and fungus To use the Poly Filter Pad just use all or a piece in your filter or in a place with sufficient water flow. The Poly Filter Pad will turn blue once it absorbs the copper. NOTE: Copper Power is toxic to snails and invertebrates. You will want to treat your fish in a separate tank if you have snails or invertebrates.