Elantrip Balance Bike, Lightweight Black Toddler Bike for 1-3 Year Old Boys, Birthday Gift Toys for 1-3 Year Old Boys and Girls, No Pedal Bikes for Kids with Adjustable Handlebar and seat - KBB-CF-GR
Elantrip KBB-CF-GR
First Step to Independence: Baby balance bike is the first step towards independence for your baby, and they can perfectly control the balance bike, give full play to his riding ability without restraint, and enjoy the fun of sports. Then, kid's balance bike riding helps baby's growth and development. 95% Pre-Assemble:Balance bike is 95% pre-installed as soon as you receive the package, you can install the whole kids bike in one minute. Weighs Up to 110 Lbs :Royal Kids Balance Bike uses high-quality carbon steel material as the frame, the frame weight is 7lbs, and the weight can be up to 110lbs. Adjustable Seat and Handle :Adjustable size from 13.7-17.3 In, suitable for children aged 1-3, Inseam 14-21''. Long-term riding can be 2-4 In/5-10 cm taller than children of the same age. Mute and Thickened Tires :Kids toddler bike uses 12 inch EVA foam wheels and is thickened, more durable than other kids bycicles, safer to ride, ride on gravel without puncture. ABEC9 bearings for a smoother ride for kids.