Flwrgirl Tricycle for Toddlers 1-3,Foldable Balance Bike 2 Year Old,4 in 1 Tricycle for Toddlers Age 3-5,Bike for Toddlers 2 3 4 5,10 inch Toddler Tricycle,Toddler Balance Bike
NO CHEAP PLASTIC FEELINGS:TPR soft material anti slip handlebars,wider spoke anti slip and explosion-proof non inflation tires,integrated wheels,smoother bearings,and more sturdy frame.Our tricycle for toddlers 1-3 is highly cost-effective at this price point. Four Modes:Our tricycle for toddlers can be used as walkers,balance bike,balance bicycle and toddler tricycle.Two auxiliary wheels can be folded up,and the pedals can be removed and placed under the seat. Grow with your child.This balance bike 2+ year old is suitable for kids aged 1 to 6 years old,After learning to ride,the two-wheel balance bike mode can better exercise children's balance and athletic abilities,making it a great toddler bike. Convenient Assembly:Our tricycles for 1-3 year old is partially pre-installed and does not require any tools.The wheels and bearings have already been installed,within three minutes,the ride-on toys can be assembled without any tools. Safety Assurance:Children's Product Certificate(CPC certification),30 days Money back ASSURANCE,2 YEARS GUARANTEE,and lifetime customer service.If you have any questions,please feel free to contact us at any time., Manufacturer: Flwrgirl