Hello! USA: Everyday Living for International Residents and Visitors - Judy Priven, 6th Edition, Paperback
Createspace Independent Pub
Release Date
9781516992010 | 978-1-5169-9201-0
1516992016 | 1-5169-9201-6
Judy Priven
This classic book has helped tens of thousands of newcomers make a smooth and informed entry into the US. The Sixth Edition includes updates of every URL and telephone number, plus pages and pages of brand new material on getting connected on line, registering for school, searching for a home, banking, shopping, cooking, finding medical care and more. Topics include: keeping your documents straight from the beginning, things you'll need to know in your first few hours in the US, finding a home, setting up and maintaining your home, connecting to the world via internet/TV/phone, money matters, paying taxes, local/domestic/international travel, shopping for clothing/housewares/food, dining in and out of the home, mail, medical issues, childcare, schools, studying English, work and study, social norms and relationships, and exploring your community. Thousands of useful tips for the person moving to the US, not found in any other single location. Named "best intercultural introduction" by Cool Tools.