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Holiscapes Kit-JOL-P-48x72

HoliScapes® USB Projector Kit - AtmosFX Jack-O-Lantern Jamboree USB + Projector + 48" x 72" Large White Holographic Screen for Halloween Projection - Kit-JOL-P-48x72

Holiscapes Kit-JOL-P-48x72
  • UPC   810075839081
  • 1280 x 720 Resolution LED Projector with sound, remote and wide-angle lens formatted for virtual videos. Qty 1 – 48" x 72" White Reaper Brothers Translucent Fabric Screen formatted for your Door or Window. Includes 3M mounting hardware. Creates a perfect 3D effect. AtmosFX Halloween USB Stick contains 5 different Halloween scenes from the Jack-O-Lantern Jamboree Collection Use any TV, monitor, or projector to show off animated, entertaining digital decorations on your windows and walls, or on props, in yards, and elsewhere.
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