ISBA Balance Bike Lighting Toddler Bike 2-5 Year Old Toddler Balance Bike with Adjustable Handlebar & Seat No Pedal Bikes Gift Bike for 2-5 Boys Girls White
【Learn to Ride Early】A lightweight balance bike allows your child to easily ride, with a sturdy frame structure that is safe and durable, allowing your child to fully experience the fun of exploring the balance process 【Easy to Adjust】As your child grows older and taller, you can flexibly adjust the height of the balance car to best meet their height needs 【Comprehensive Development】During play, children's physical coordination ability can be fully mobilized, and during braking, moving forward, and turning,and also build other motor skills in a safe and fun way, such as strength, coordination and agility. 【Safety Framework & Anti-Slip Tires】The reinforced metal frame design provides safe support for children to play with, preventing falls and collisions, and is durable. Anti slip rubber tires that provide protection during sharp turns and U-turns 【Perfect Gift for Kids】 This toddler balance bike is packaged well, which is an ideal gift for baby to learn walking and riding,increase their exercise time and enhance physical fitness.