ItemGlow Bike,Mountain Bike,Balance Bike,Kids Bike,Training Wheels for 20 Inch Bike,Bikes for Kids 10-12 New Children's Bicycle 16 Inch 20 Inch Bicycle Girl Boy Bicycle Mountain Bike. 16in red - XqviB6imS-16in-red
ItemGlow XqviB6imS-16in-red
[Very popular unisex model] There are 2 colors to choose from: stylish bright silver and classic red, suitable for both male and female babies. The children's bicycle has simple and soft colors and designs, and can be used as a practical and fashionable mountain bike for babies. [Recommended age/suitable height] 16 inches: 5-7 years old 110-135 cm. [Safety and peace of mind] The children's bicycle is equipped with a high-carbon steel frame, detachable training wheels, adjustable seats, front and rear V brakes, etc., which makes it safer for children to use bicycles [Ergonomic design] Comfortable seat, using PU soft rubber cushion, the children's mountain bike seat imitates the saddle design, balanced force, so that the baby's buttocks will not be tired after sitting for a long time! [Easy installation] 95% of the installation takes only 10 minutes to play, and mothers can also easily install children's bicycles.