JIYIAN Children Tricycle with 2 Seats,Kids Tricycle with Passenger Seat,Toddler Double Seat Tricycles Storage Basket for Kids Tandem Bike for Boys and Girls Gifts Outdoor Toy,Red - RED-65867758
JIYIAN RED-65867758
*FOR BEGINNERS BIKE FOR KIDS : Each kids'tricycle trike is great for beginning riders. One tricycle can meet your kids all requirements at different ages. INDOOR AND OURDOOR : Children can ride the bicycle on wood floor, carpet because the tires are soft. *WHEEL AND FRAME : Outdoor tricycle Can be used in all terrain, rubber tires to absorb quiet impact. Frame is made of carbon steel in order to strengthen the body. Can be use'd in all terrain, rubber tires to absorb quiet impact. Frame is made of carbon steel in order to strengthen the body. *SAFE AND COMFORTABLE RIDING : The childrens of the tricycle seat is equipped, to ensure a safe ride for children. Provide a smooth and comfortable ride for children. *DESIGN :This toddler tricycle Ergonomic design base'd on the structure of the stable triangle is difficult to rolling, scientific seat design, the baby comfort. Your children love to ride it. *BEAUTIFUL GIFT : It is Christmas long as it is a birthday, it is an ideal gift for children from 3 to 6 years. Load capacity of the tricycle is up to 55 pounds., Manufacturer: JIYIAN