JOYSTAR Baby Balance Bike for 2 Year Old No Pedal 4 Wheels Toddler Bike, Toddler Ride On Toys for Ages 1-3 Years Boys Girls Best First Birthday Gifts - Joystar Cycles Ltd., BIKE075gr
Joystar Cycles Ltd. BIKE075gr
BEGINNER BABY BIKE - Recommended ages for 12-36 months. The baby balance bike is the best birthday gift for toddlers to learn walking and riding. It helps to develop babies' balance, steering, coordination, and gain confidence at an early age. Great first birthday gift for boys and girls! SAFE & DURABLE - No pedal and fully widened enclosed wheels to avoid clamping baby's feet. 135 degree steering limited handlebar to avoid baby side falling. JOYSTAR Baby balance bike 2 year old is sturdy, comfortable, and safe. STURDY & COMFORTABLE DESIGN - The JOYSTAR baby balance bike for 2 year old is equipped with soft handle grips easy to manipulate for earily rider. The anti-skid EVA polymer tires glide smoothly and quietly. and supportive seat is also padded for maximum riding comfort indoors or outdoors. EASY TO CARRY: With only 2.2kg (4.8 pounds) of weight, both you and your children can easily carry it around to play. Increased the children's interest, no need to worry about the children giving up because they can't move it without your help. Toddle Bikes for Fun. QUALITY ASSURANCE - ASTM F963-11, EN71 Certification. Easy to install, takes no more than 2 minutes to finish assembling. JOYSTAR baby balance bike can be assured as gift for 1 year old boys and girls. Limited life-time Warranty and instant customer service., Manufacturer: Joystar Cycles Ltd.