LSQXSS Classic Toddler tricycles with Headlight,Independent Riding Pedal Bike,2-5 Years Old Children's Trike,Adjustable seat with Belt,Silent Foam Wheel,120° Limit Steering Handlebar, Black - 4766095550771
LSQXSS 4766095550771
Toddler stroller: This tricycle is designed for children between 2 to 5 years old.It is easy to pedal,stable and safe triangle structure,120 limit steering handlebar,so your child can ride it without falling. Adjustable seat:The seat with belt can be adjusted forward and backward.In addition,the back basket add more convenience for storing baby essentials or personal items. Durable tricycle:High strength carbon steel frames,foam tires,and sturdy seats make this toddler tricycle capable of withstanding within 50kg children. Children's trike:No need to inflate foam wheel,the silent wheels allow your kids ride around silently inside the house and do no damage to your floors. Pedal trike:The child's feet can easily reach the pedals of the front wheel, which can drive the wheel to rotate and cultivate the child's riding ability.But don’t leave your child alone when playing with it., Manufacturer: LSQXSS