LSQXSS Tandem Tricycle for Twins,Kids Pushchair Tricycle with pushrod,Toddler trikes for 12 Months to 5 Years,Rear seat with guardrail and armrest,Front seat with Belt,3 Wheels Stroller, Green - 4766506562331
LSQXSS 4766506562331
【Toddler Stroller】Kids tricycle is designed for 2-5 year toddler girls & boys,it helps to develop kids' steering skills and learn about riding with pedals.This interactive toddler trike features a stable triangular design,prevent tipping or rolling over when kids are learning to ride. 【2 in 1 Kids Trikes】Child can rest their feet on the pedals as parent push for steer & stroll mode.Remove the push handle and let your child pedal for tricycle mode.Parent push handle adjusts to 3 different height settings. 【Tandem Tricycle】Both dual seats with footrest board are suitable for twins.Front seat with belt,rear seat with armrest and guardrail. 【Pedal Trike】Shock-absorbing and wear-resistant titanium wheel,allow your kids ride around silently inside the house and do no damage to your floors.Rear wheel with double brakes,brake the stroller by foot down. 【Durable Children Buggies】The frame is carfted by high carbon steel,max load 100kg.Rear basket can bring their favorite toys along for every rid., Manufacturer: LSQXSS