LSQXSS Toddler Stroller for Age 2-5,Dual seat Kids tricycles for Twins,Light Weight Foam Wheels,3 Wheelers Trike,Front Basket,Easy to Install,Pedal trikes, Black - 4766506562409
LSQXSS 4766506562409
【Toddler Stroller】Kids tricycle is designed for 2-5 year toddler girls & boys,it helps to develop kids' steering skills and learn about riding with pedals. 【Kids Trikes】This interactive toddler trike features a stable triangular design,prevent tipping or rolling over when kids are learning to ride. 【Tandem Tricycle】Dual seats are suitable for twins.Front seat features 2-levels adjust.Rear seat with backrest and guardrail,bottom with footrest board,ensure safety in riding. 【Pedal Trike】The lightweight and wear-resistant foam wheels allow your kids ride around silently inside the house and do no damage to your floors. 【Durable Children Buggies】The frame is carfted by high carbon steel,max load 50kg.Front basket can bring their favorite toys along for every rid., Manufacturer: LSQXSS