Toddler Pedal tricycles for Age 2-10,Outdoor Cruiser Trike,Chain Bike,Tandem trikes with Rear seat,Folding Kids tricycles with Single Brake,3 Wheelers,Spoke Pneumatic Wheel - LSQXSS, 4766506563093
LSQXSS 4766506563093
【Outdoor cruiser trike】Fully equipped with all the features of an adult tricycle.The pedals exert force to drive the chain drive to make the wheels roll forward.The handlebar can be turned left and right and also has a handbrake, allowing children to practice their steering and riding abilities from an early age. 【Folding kids trikes】Frame with folding buckle,easy to carry.Multi storage compartment,the front and back baskets,as well as the rear seat hidden basket,add more convenience for storing essentials or personal items. 【Brakes and wheels】Single-sided handlebar with brake lever that can be linked to the front wheel caliper brake to stop the vehicle in time.Anti skid and wear-resistant rubber pneumatic tires spoke wheels,can adapt to various road conditions. 【Adjustable 3 wheelers】High strength high carbon steel frame,max load 100kg.Rear seat with belt and can carry two people at the same time.Saddle and handlebar height can be adjusted in moderate. 【3 sizes available】14inch toddler tricycle suits body height 85-100cm/33.4-39.3inch,user age:2-4 years.16inch toddler tricycle suits body height 95-115cm/37.4-45.2inch,user age:3-7 years.18inch toddler tricycle suits body height 105-135cm/41.3-53.1inch,user age:4-10 years., Manufacturer: LSQXSS