Toddler Pedal tricycles for Age 2-10,Outdoor Cruiser Trike,Chain Bike,Tandem trikes with Rear seat,Folding Kids tricycles with Single Brake,3 Wheelers,Spoke Pneumatic Wheel - LSQXSS, 4766506563710
LSQXSS 4766506563710
【Cruiser Bikes】The 3 wheels tricycle can be ridden indoors and outdoors. It can not only exercise children's sports ability, so that they are no longer addicted to online games, but also can be used as a means of transportation for going out. 【Balance Trikes】Tricycles do not require you to have a sense of balance to drive, single speed, the triangular stable structure makes it safe for kids to go out and ride.Easy for children to use. 【Height Adjustable Tricycles】Both the handlebar and the seat can be adjusted in height to meet the riding needs of children of different heights.Recommended riding age 3-8 years old,maximum weight capacity 60kg. 【Tandem Pedal Bicycle】Large rear seats, heightened backrests, guard trail and safety belts ensure the safety of the passengers.It can carry two kids for travel at the same time.The front and rear baskets,the hidden storage compartment at the bottom of the rear seat,it can be used as a shopping cart. 【Folding Ride-On Car】The body of the tricycle can be folded,it is convenient to carry, and can be placed in the trunk of a car.Pneumatic spoke wheels,suitable for riding on various roads., Manufacturer: LSQXSS