LSQXSS Dual Seats Children's tricycles,Toddler Tricycle for 3-9 Years Old,Mobility Pedal Bike with Single Brake,Outdoor Cruiser Bike Trike for Traveling and Shopping,Tandem Tricycle, 18inch, Pink - 4766579581932
LSQXSS 4766579581932
【Tandem Tricycle】The tricycle with rear passenger seat,PU leather wrapped sponge seat board and backrest,guardrail,safety belt.The elastic sponge saddle allows the rider to sit for a long time without getting tired. 【Durable Tricycle】Frame adopts high carbon steel material,max load bearing up to 100kg.The handlebar and saddle can be adjusted in height,appropriate adjustments can be made according to the growth and development of the child. 【Outdoor Cruiser Trike】This tricycle with non-slip rubber tires spoked wheels that can be driven on most surfaces. In addition, the single side handlebar brake lever is linked with the front wheel brake pads to brake in time. 【Large Storage Compartment】This trike features front and back baskets and seat bottom hidden compartment.One tricycle can carry most of the children's toys, snacks, vegetables, fruits, etc. 【3 Sizes Large Kids Trikes】14inch kids tricycle suit for 2-5 years old and height 85cm-100cm.16inch kids tricycle suit for 4-7 years old and height 95cm-115cm.18inch kids tricycle suit for 5-10 years old and height 105cm-135cm., Manufacturer: LSQXSS