NANKAI Art Hand-Painted Black and White Texture Art Oil Painting Elephant Silhouette Art 45x30 Inch Abstract Oil Painting
Oil Paintings Size: 45x30 inch(115x76cm). Please pay attention to the size when placing an order. 100% handmade oil painting, high quality palette knife oil painting, imported high quality acrylic, permanent color retention, no fading, no cracking. Contemporary art oil painting is a perfect wall painting for living room, bedroom, kitchen, office, hotel, restaurant, bathroom and bar or anywhere in your home! Each piece is packaged in a separate carton. Stretch and Frame decorative oil paintings Are set as home decor wall decorations, and each panel has a black hook that has been mounted on wooden slats for easy hanging out of the box. Since each painting is a 100% handmade oil painting, the actual painting may differ slightly from the image of the product. We sincerely do every painting, thank you for your trust.