Baby Balance Bike for 1-3 Years Old Boys Girls, 12-36 Month Toddler Balance Bike, Cricket Baby Walker Balance Bike with 4 Wheels Toddler First Bike, Toddler Bicycle Toy, First Birthday Gifts, Black - OULAIZ, Smallche002
OULAIZ Smallche002
【GROW IN FUN】Recommended ages for 12-36 months. The infant balance bike is the best birthday gift for toddlers to learn walking and riding. It helps to develop babies' balance, steering, coordination abilities, helps toddlers strengthen their physical strength, and helps toddlers gain confidence. Help your little kid have a happy and healthy childhood. 【SAFELY RIDE】No pedal and specially widened rear wheels are designed to make baby play safer and avoid clamping baby's feet. ✅135 ° turning limit and gravity steering without leaving the ground to prevent the baby from turning over. ✅This baby bike balance has a cool headlight that allows children to play freely (NOTE: Requires AA+battery, Not provided). 【STURDY & COMFORTABLE DESIGN】The baby balance bike equips sturdy aluminum alloy frame, non-slip TPU handle, and a softly supportive seat. ✅The kids balance bike 4 wheels made of EVA material, which has high elasticity, shock absorption, noise reduction, non-slip, wear-resistant and non-destructive floor, and baby can ride indoors or outdoors. ✅And the ergonomic seats that can be freely adjusted in height, making it more comfortable for child to ride. 【PERFECT GIFT FOR BABIES】This baby balance bike is made of high-quality material. This ensures that they are safe for any baby. Safe design can be assured as gift for 1,2,3 year old boys and girls. Balance bike montessori toys for 12 months to 36 months boys and girls. 【EASY TO CARRY】With only 2.0 kg (4.6 pounds) of weight, both you and your children can easily carry it around to play. Increased the children's interest, no need to worry about the children giving up because they can’t move it without your help. ✅(2-year warranty), if you have any problems, please tell us via email, we will try our best to help you., Manufacturer: OULAIZ