3 in 1 Kids Tricycle Kids Trike,Kid Tricycle Stroller for 2-5 Year Olds,Boy & Girl Kid Stroller with Push Handle,Removable Guardrail,Adjustable Seat,Safety Guard,Blue - Oisei, BLUE-65881570
Oisei BLUE-65881570
▶ Versatile 4-in-1 Design: Multi-functional design, this toddler tricycle can be converted into 3 modes. It is easy to convert between the three modes and all parts are easy to remove and install. This tricycle is suitable for children aged 2-6 years old. Our 3 in 1 toddler push tricycle will be one of the wonderful memories of your child's childhood. ▶ Safety Comfortable Enjoyable Ride: linked push handle - parents can easily use the push handle to control the steering and speed of this tricycle. When the child can ride the bike on his own, the push handle is removable.Our toddler tricycles feature an ergonomically adjustable seat to ensure children of all ages enjoy a smooth and enjoyable ride. Great for children ages 2-4. ▶ Uncompromised Safety Measures: We prioritize the safety of your little ones. Our Kids' Trike features a safety harness, detachable guardrail, anti-slip pedal and foldable footplate and rear wheels are equipped with dual brakes.providing comprehensive protection for children aged 1-3 years. ▶ Convenient and Ample Storage: Our Three-Wheel Stroller is designed with two spacious storage compartments, allowing parents to carry essential items such as water bottles, toys, snacks, and wipes easily. A must-have for parents of children aged 1-3 years. ▶ Robustness : Wheels and Frame: Our children's tricycle frame is made of high-quality high-strength carbon steel to strengthen the body. Ensures long-lasting durable performance. High-quality air-free shock-absorbing tires can absorb some of the impact from the ground and can be used in most terrains. Easy to assemble - You can assemble this kids tricycle stroller in just a few minutes., Manufacturer: Oisei