PEARLOVE 12 Inch Toddler Balance Bike, Lightweight Balance Bike for 2-5 Year Old, Toddler Bike with Adjustable Handlebar and Seat, EVA Tires, No Pedal Training Bike for Kids Birthday Gift - BB1022-1
EARLY LEARNING BALANCE BIKE - PEARLOVE toddler balance bike is designed for 24 months to 5 years, helps kids develop their balance and coordination skills, and enhance their self-confidence. Your toddler can learn to ride with this no pedals traning bikes. GROW WITH YOUR KIDS - With seat height ranges from 13 to 17 inches and handlebars height ranges from 22 to 24 inches, our balance bike grows with your child so they can experience the fun of riding for longer, suitable for kids aged 2,3,4,and 5 years old. SAFE AND COMFORTABLE:Our no pedal training bicycle is lightweight at only 7.7 pounds, it features soft,non-slip grip and padded seat, the tire is puncture-resistant tires that never flatten out or damage the ground, roll safely and smoothly on indoors or outdoors, ensuring ride safety. EASY TO ASSEMBLE - Pearlove balance bike are constructed with a high quality magnesium alloy frame which is sturdy and durable and won't break, can hold up to 154 pounds, easy to install in 10 minute. Besides, balance bike has passed all certifications of CPSC and ASTM, meets the strictly recommended safety standards, ensuring long-lasting use. 2-5 YEAR OLD BOY & GIRL GIFT - Surprise your child with a fun and practical gift that will encourage physical activity while also improving their motor skills. This balance bike is the perfect gift for birthdays, holidays, or any special occasion.