16inch tricycles for Senior and Adult,3 Wheels Bicycle,Rickshaw Tricycle with Pedals,Tandem Trike with Back seat,Front and Rear Brakes,Outdoor Bike (Pink 16 in) - SAeWare, SLCLAS69826
SAeWare SLCLAS69826
3 Wheels Bicycle:The body is made of high-carbon steel, and the triangular structure is convenient,suitable for seniors and small children to get on and off.Max load 150kg/330lbs. Adult Tricycle: Solid steel shaft design, strong chassis and thickened steel support,more stable riding,riding more labor-saving. Tandem Trike:The back seat with seat belt/solid foot rest chassis for safe.Lift up the seat board is a hidden storage compartment for carrying items.It is safer to ride a bicycle. It is convenient for pick up and drop off their children to school, elderly can pull their lover to travel. Adjustable Tricycles:Adjustable saddle,suitable for different heights. Trike:Anti-slip and wear-resistant pneumatic tire spoke wheels, not easy to slip,suitable for all kinds of roads.Sensitive double brakes--front wheel caliper+rear wheel brake.