Scientific GOD Journal Volume 6 Issue 10: Internal Excellence, Mindful Reflections & That Which Becomes - Scientific God Inc., Paperback
Createspace Independent Pub
Release Date
9781519574848 | 978-1-5195-7484-8
1519574843 | 1-5195-7484-3
Scientific God Inc.
The purpose and mission of Scientific GOD Journal (http://www.scigod.com) are to conduct scientific inquiries on the nature and origins of life, mind, physical laws and mathematics and their possible connections to a scientifically approachable transcendental ground of existence – we call "Scientific GOD." We believe that in this Golden Age of Science the GOD in whom we trust should be spiritual as well as scientific. Indeed, since we are all made out of the same subatomic, atomic and genetic alphabets, the scientific GOD each of us seeks should be one and the same whatever our race, religion and other differences. This is Scientific GOD Journal Volume 6 Issue 10 first published in November 2015. It is entitled "Internal Excellence, Mindful Reflections & That Which Becomes" and contains the following: (1) Enhancement of Internal Excellence & Its Measurement. (2) Why Us: Trespassing on an Anthropic Lawn (Part I). (3) Why Us: Trespassing on an Anthropic Lawn (Part II). (4) That Which Becomes. (5) There Is No Material World. (6) Awareness, Illusion & Form. (7) The Perfection of Suffering. (8) Stories. (9) The Problem with the Universe from Nothing (Part II). (10) Will There Be a Physical Explanation for 'X', if 'X' Is Not Physically Real? and (11) Passion Leads to Professionalism.