LEDIVO Colorful Lighting Balance Bike 2 Year Old, 2-5 Years Folding Toddler Balance Bike, No Pedal Foldable Bikes w/Kickstand, Adjustable Handlebar & Seat, 2 3 4 5 Years Boy Girls Birthday Gifts Toys - Shenzhen Minghang Technology Company, Twelve inches
Shenzhen Minghang Technology Company Twelve inches
Foldable Design - Unique half-fold design for easy portability, suitable for park outings or weekend getaways. Specifically designed for toddlers aged 2 to 5. Flexible Adjustability - Adjustable handlebars and a soft seat height ensure your child enjoys the most comfortable riding experience. Equipped with 12-inch puncture-resistant tires suitable for indoor floors and rugged enough for outdoor adventures. Colorful Lighting Wheel Design - Unique wheels that lights up for added fun during rides. No batteries required, simply spin the wheels to shine. Perfect for nighttime adventures. Unique Kickstand design - Cleverly designed single-side kickstand for convenient rest stops or other activities without leaning the bike against a wall or the ground. The kickstand easily folds or unfolds to adapt to different scenarios. Safety and Comfort - Soft, grippy handles ensure a secure grip for little hands, with a weight capacity of 150 lbs, providing confidence in the bike's durability.