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Wicca for Beginners: Learn How Wiccan Witchcraft Can Enrich Your Life - Caroline Orins, Paperback

CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
  • Release Date   2/6/2018
  • ISBN-13   9781985102521 | 978-1-985102-52-1
  • ISBN   1985102528 | 1-985102-52-8
  • Format   Paperback
  • Author(s)   Caroline Orins
  • The Wiccan religion has been around for centuries.  There are many people that follow their beliefs.  In some way, all of us do without even realizing it.  However, not many people really know what Wicca is or how it originated. It is a popular belief that Wicca is a total pagan religion and their beliefs are against the teachings of all other religions on Earth.  But we have to remember that the beliefs of one person may not be the same for another.  Praise need not be for one God, Allah, or Buddha – it can also encompass Nature. So how did it all begin? It was many centuries ago that Wicca was born.  No one knows an exact year since recordkeeping back then was sparse at best.  The number of Wiccans was pretty small then since there were many others that did not understand what Wiccans did or what their beliefs were.  In other words, there was discrimination against them for their practices.  Their rituals were and are far different than any other religion known to man.  Since a lot of people did not understand what their form of worship was, many people were persecuted and even killed for their beliefs. So the Wiccans hid for many years for fear of losing their lives for their choice in religion. There are many stories about the misunderstanding of Wicca, including the famous Salem Witch Hunts.  It seems that it was easier to condemn a person as being a witch with unsubstantiated powers than it was to ask why a coven was making a pot of the same medicinal potions that were used in most households. But witch hunts did not start in Salem.  There were many other places in the world where they occurred, with many people put to death by several different inhumane ways for what they believed and what they practiced. Not only are there many Wiccans in the world today, but there are also those people that twist the religion into an evil following of devil worship.  This book delves into that subject to give a better understanding of the differences between the two groups.  There are other recognized religions that are “spin-offs” of other major religions, but they do follow a lot of the same doctrines as the group they separated from.  However, devil worship does not fall into that category.  Our discussion of that practice will point out the differences they have with any other religious groups. What will you learn: From the history of Wicca all the way to the modern day, you will discover what its practices are, what its beliefs are, how they have changed through the years, and how they have come to be accepted in today’s society.  You will also discover resources to learn more about them.  Perhaps you can learn even more about Wicca and explore the faith to see if it can be your way of life. If nothing else, you will have learned something new. If your interest is now piqued, delve into the world of Wicca and learn about the very basic foundation of their beliefs.
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