5 in 1 Toddler Bike, Tricycle for Toddlers 1-3 with Adjustable Seat Height, Removable Pedals, Ideal Balance Bike Birthday Gifts and Toys for Boys and Girls (White Brown) - XJD XJD
RECOMMENDED AGES: 12 Month - 3 years old. We recommend 12-24 months baby to use three-wheel mode. 2-3 years old baby uses two-wheel balance bike mode. Best 3 in 1 design tricycle and balance bike for baby EASY TO ASSEMBLE: Our baby bike just need to install the handlebar and seat within minutes. Compared with other tricycles, XJD tricycle has an additional adjustment of the handlebars, lift seat function, and adjusts the handle angle and seat height(adjustable from 11.8 inch to 14.2 inch) STURDY AND COMFORTABLE: Trikes for toddler has safety carbon steel frame, durable widen silent wheels, strong enough for riding indoor or outdoor. Soft handle grips and seat make kids' comfortable riding LEARN TO STEER: Our toddler bike is the best birthday Present for baby to learn how to ride a bike. Excellent indoor baby walker toy develops kids balance and helps kids gain balance, steering, coordination, and confidence at an early age SAFE AND RELIABLE: XJD kids tricycle has been passed safety testings required, all the materials and design are safe for kids, please feel assured to choose. XJD aims to supply high-quality products, if you are not satisfied with our bike, please feel free to contact us
UPGRADE PU CUSHION: PU material is soft and comfortable, adapt to temperature changes, Resistant to bending and deformation,durable and not easy to break. And easy to wipe, can be cleaned with water or wet paper towels. COMPATIBLE WITH MOST TOILETS: The potty training toilet with steps is suitable for V-shaped, U-shaped and O-shaped toilets. 5 kinds of adjustment height,range 1-6cm/0.39"-2.36", can be adjusted freely according to the height of the toilet. EASY TO FOLD SAVE SPACE: The foldable design makes the potty training ladder easy to move, so you can put the toilet training seat with steps in the corner of the wall when you don't need it. And enjoy the freedom of space. SAFE AND NON-SLIP: The non-slip rubber pad design of this toilet ladder effectively prevents children from falling. A wider anti slip slide makes it easier for babies to turn around. Plus handle design to increase safety protection. HIGH LOAD-BEARING MATERIAL: 50kg/110lb high load-bearing capacity, virgin PP material, thickened material more solid, safe and odorless. This potty training seat for toilet is suitable for children to use, and easy to install., Manufacturer: XJD
👶Toddler Playground :This toddler slide set has easy to climb steps and an ultra long 53.9-inch gentle slope slide, it can improve children's physical coordination and develop their motor skills. 👶Sturdy and Safetoddler Slide Set: Keep your baby active and entertained with this plastic baby slide. It comes with a ladder of non-slip steps and grabs a set of sturdy handrails, providing a fun and safe experience for toddlers and young children with safer hands and knees for your child. 👶Safe and Environmentally Friendly Material: made of odorless. Made of durable high quality HDPE, our children's slide has a thick and sturdy structure with a well-polished surface throughout and no sharp corners or edges. Create a safe environment for your child while playing. 👶Indoor and Outdoor Playset: This slide weight easily to move, suitable for indoor or outdoor use, strong and durable structure. 👶Slide Climbing Play Set Size: 22"x53.2"x36"inch, maximum load weight: 190lbs, light weight and easy to assemble, no tools required., Manufacturer: XJD