Yoga Instructor Yogini Coach Yogi Practitioner Warning Job Throw Pillow - Yoga Instructor Warning Apparel, JFJJMQQPADQUS_18X18
Yoga Instructor Warning Apparel JFJJMQQPADQUS_18X18
Yoga Instructor Warning To Avoid Injury Do Not Tell Me How To Do My Job - Great for a yoga instructor, yoga teacher, or someone who loves yoga as exercise. Perfect for a yogini, yoga master, or anyone who does yoga, breathing exercises, and meditation. Great for yoga practitioners, yogi, or yoga lovers, a series of stretches and poses that you do with breathing techniques and offer powerful benefits. Perfect to show off your skills and knowledge in yoga on International Day of Yoga. 100% spun-polyester fabric Double-sided print Filled with 100% polyester and sewn closed Individually cut and sewn by hand Spot clean/dry clean only