Yoyuto Baby Balance Bike for 1 Year Old Boys Girls 12-36 Month Toddler, 4 Silence Wheels Soft Seat Pre-School First Riding Toys Toddler First Birthday Gifts (Black) - Foshan BeeKoo Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd
Foshan BeeKoo Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd
Designed For Toddlers To Build Confidence. This balance bike is ideal for toddlers aged 10 to 36 months. The toddler bike provides babies with enjoyment and happiness, aligning seamlessly with the natural structure of kids' bodies, fostering a strong sense of balance, control, and coordination in young riders. Parental Bonding: Riding these baby toys balance bikes isn't just about skill development. It offers parents a chance to bond with their children, combining learning and fun. It's a gift for a 1-year-old boy/girl's birthday to help them learn to walk and ride. Let your child experience the joy of riding every day. Easy Assembly and Lightweight: The mini baby bikes are impressively lightweight, weighing only about 4.8lbs. Both you and your children can easily carry them around to play. They are also a breeze to assemble, requiring no tools and taking just a few minutes to set up. Fine Workmanship: The mini balance bike design of 4 silent wheels with bearings and fully widened closed wheels is safe, non-slip, smooth and durable, and can protect the wheels and floor in various scenarios. The comfortable seat makes the baby's butt comfortable. Including sturdy PP frames, EVA handles , the balance bikes offer both durability and comfort, ensuring a stable and enjoyable riding experience for your child. Comfortable design: Featuring a 135° security steering limit to avoid side falling and enclosed wheels to safeguard tiny feet, the toddler toys bicycle prioritizes your child's security during playtime. Easy to maintain and clean, smooth material is not easy to accumulate dirt, just wipe it with a wet rag., Manufacturer: Foshan BeeKoo Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd