besrey Kids Tricycles Age 18 Month to 5 Years, Toddler Tricycle Kids Trikes Tricycle, Gift Toddler Tricycles for 2-5 Year Olds, Gift & Toys for Boy & Girl, Trikes for Toddlers, Green
First Toddler Tricycle: This tricycle for toddlers is great for beginner riders, designed for 18 months to 5 year old toddler girls & boys who are curious and excited to explore the world, to develop kids' steering skills and coordination at an early age 2-IN-1 Thoughtful Design: This toddler bike effortlessly transitions between riding and folding modes, offering endless adventures and ultimate convenience for storage and transport—a perfect companion for on-the-go families Rollover-Free for Added Safety: A robust triangular structure frame with wider rear wheels minimizes the risk of tipping or overturning for safer and more enjoyable riding Indoor & Outdoor Comfy Riding: Rugged EVA foam wheels with excellent shock absorption ensure your kids conquer various terrains with comfort and confidence Adaptable to Growth: Designed with a spacious seat and comfy backrest, this bike for toddlers features an adjustable seat that moves forward and backward to accommodate a wider age range and ensures your child enjoys optimal riding position Safety: The besrey tricycle for toddlers has passed rigorous safety tests, ensuring that all materials and designs are child-safe. We also provide a 24-month hassle-free return policy and a LIFETIME warranty for your satisfied shopping experience, Manufacturer: besrey