ideaspark ESP32 Development Board Integrated 0.96 Inch OLED Display,CH340 Driver,WiFi+BLE Wireless Module,and Micro USB Works Great for Arduino/Micropython(Pin Header Soldered)
The ESP32 0.96'' OLED board has all the features of the traditional ESP32 Devkit V1 module,with the same exact peripheral ports,offers seamless integration with a 0.96-inch OLED display, eliminating the need for frustrating wires and breadboards.Display features a high-resolution 128x64 with SSD1306 driver and is compatible with I2C interfaces. Plus,It uses Micro usb cable to connect. Say goodbye to messy setups and hello to hassle-free electronics with the ESP32 board The Board is based on ESP32-WROOM-32 module integrated with Antenna switches, RF Balun, power amplifiers, low-noise amplifiers, filters, and management modules, and the entire solution occupies the least area of PCB. 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi plus BLE dual-mode chip, with TSMC Ultra-low power consumption 40nm technology, power dissipation performance and RF performance is the best, safe and reliable, easy to extend to a variety of applications This board uses I2C to connect to an OLED display via the SDA (D21 / GPIO21) and SCL (D22 / GPIO22) pins. With this board,it's easy to display a variety of information and data To install the new version driver for CH340,simply search for the keywords "CH340 Driver" on Google.com or Bing.com and follow the installation instructions provided.Recommended for Win10 Operating System This board is an outstanding option for various Internet of Things (IoT) projects. It can be used to display network connection status,monitor information, power levels, and other relevant data. Additionally, it's suitable for building Internet Weather Stations, News Stations, Clocks, and Other similar applications