mzopine Baby Balance Bike Toddler Bike Kids Toys for 1 Year Old Boys Girls 12-24 Months Toys Kids Balance Bike Best First Birthday Gifts Children Walker Baby Walker 4 Wheels Bicycle (Blue) - HR
mzopine HR
Kids' Balance Bike GROW IN FUN: Recommended ages for 12-24 months. The infant balance bike is the best birthday gift for toddlers to learn walking and riding. It helps to develop babies' balance, steering, coordination, and gain confidence at an early age. MOTOR SKILL and PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT: With a lightweight of merely 3.85lb and adjustable seat height ranging from 10.2-11", this balance bike is an excellent means for a 1-year-old baby to test their mobility and active motor skills. They can continue to use it until they turn 3, honing their muscle strength, balance, coordination, and confidence. SAFELY RIDE: 135° steering limiter design to avoid sharp turns and fully&widen enclosed wheels will avoid side falling or feet damage, Low center-of-gravity design for toddlers to get on and off their own as well better stability. GIFT PACKAGING & EASY TO ASSEMBLE. The Toddler Bike comes 95% ready assembled which makes it easy to put together, store and move 95% ready assembled to save the hasstle, Just attach the handle to the frame and you are good to go, Easy to carry even for toddler with just 4 lbs, Package comes with Installation instructions and multi-language manual includes Spanish. PERFECT GIFT FOR BABIES: This baby balance bike is made of high-quality material. This ensures that they are safe for any baby. Safe design can be assured as gift for 1 year old boys and girls. 1 YEAR MANUFACTURER WARRANTY & RISK-FREE PURCHASE for your Balance Bike Baby. For any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, Try out our world class customer service., Manufacturer: mzopine